Saturday, May 22, 2010

Day 3 in Venezuela

Yesterday went well. Mark Wold did a fine job teaching about church health. The pastors are very warm and responsive. They love to get into discussion groups and are very serious about working on good ideas. We have been impressed with the overall maturity of the pastors attending the conference. We have about 35 total, about 1/4 of the total denomination.

Last night we heard from
Daniel, a missionary from Venezuela to India. He had great stories to tell of the good work God is doing in bringing Hindus and Muslims to Christ. It was good to see the Venezuelan commitment to missions.

One interesting thing that happened yesterday is that a very large iguana fell out of a tree near the building we are meeting in. There were three or four of them in the tree. It was an unusual sight for a Iowan to see.

Pray for me today as I teach on the centrality of the Word in our thinking, the necessity of suffering and our
unity in Christ. Thanks for standing with us as we serve the Lord here.


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