Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Leaving Uganda and Beginning in Kenya

The training ended in Uganda for me on Thursday evening. I was greatly encouraged by the response of the pastors and how the training went generally. We think this could be a possible future training site with great potential. It is possible that leaders from here will join me in Kenya in December to experience the training there and consider a similar training process for themselves beginning sometime next year.

I left Mbale, Uganda at about 5 pm and started the long 5 hour trip to a hotel near the airport in Entebbe where I was to spend the night. I wish it had been a bit earlier when we crossed the headwaters to the Nile, it would have been fun to see that before dark. When we reached Kampala, about an hour before the hotel, we stopped to eat. I put my debit card in the ATM machine and must have done something wrong because it captured it. I needed the card in Kenya to get cash for expenses there. We had to travel on to the hotel and then come back during rush hour to the bank the next morning to retrieve my card. Thankfully the bank eventually cooperated, returned my card, and we were on our way back to the airport. Such fun! The rest of the trip to Kilifi, Kenya was routine and boring and therefore great!

It was good to be in the worship service on Sunday where I preached. Their worship is quite different from ours, but still very honoring to the Lord. Even though I usually do not know what they are saying or singing it is beautiful to watch them love the Lord. One of the pastors we have worked with in the past gave a testimony that last January some men planned to kill him one night. Some dogs outside his house scared them off and he was spared. Unfortunately, they then went to his elder brother’s home and killed him. We do not know what these men face on a day to day basis and yet they have such commitment and joy.

We began our first session this morning (Monday) with only half of the students we expected. A couple could not come because of work including our best translator. One pastor found out just before we started that his father died and he had to leave. We started late to allow a couple more to come and then our translator struggled a bit as we taught. Our one woman student, who is a great translator, arrived so we were all relieved. Soon we found out that she had her 1 year old son with her and he wanted to be with her. So part of the time she translated with him on her lap, at other times while she was nursing, and once while I held him on my lap, although he had enough of that after about 15 minutes. We sense a bit of opposition here, but we won as the men made good progress and really enjoyed it. My partner Wes did well for his first try at cross cultural training and I am enjoying working with him. We are looking forward to a great week.

On a personal note I am so thankful for the privilege of representing the Lord to these people as I train them in studying His Word. It is a great blessing to me. On this trip I feel that the Lord is really ministering to me personally in special ways in spite of the various challenges I have faced. Thanks to you who are praying.


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