Saturday, August 13, 2011

A Good End To Kenya Training

We finished the training in Kenya today and were overall satisfied with the results. The pastors we worked with started right away organizing a training session for other pastors, to be held in about 6 weeks. They are very serioius about their responsibility. The week has been up and down. On Wednesday we had a lot of spiritual opposition, crying baby, hard rain, tired pastors, etc. They didn't do too well that day, but bounced back the next. We could really see progress in their presentations over two years ago. It has been good to work with Wes and we have had a lot of good talks planning for the future and discussing things we can do differently.

I am really excited about the whole church organization here and the growth we have seen over the past 4 years. This is my 5th trip to Kenya and the changes are dramatic. The Kenyans are now strategizing about reaching far off places in their country, and in a couple of weeks will be sending two of the men we are training to Tanzania to help with the mission work there and to do training for two years. This is what we mean when we say develop, empower and release nationals to do ministry, multiplying our efforts. Four years ago they had no training at all and were not anywhere near as healthy as they are today. Praise the Lord! Every time we come we take baby steps with them but they add up to giant gains in the kingdom. Thanks for your help in getting us here to do this training. The Lord is blessing our efforts!


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