Our teaching here in Bangalore has been going very well. I have been teaching on our design as human beings and how in Christ we have a new identity. We are working our way through Romans 5-8. I am teaching them how to use these truths in counseling. The pastors and their wives have been super responsive and already making applications to their lives. Several mentioned that they wondered why their bible schools did not teach them these things. They are so thankful for what they are learning. One woman, Neena, was sitting with Edie and wrote a note saying, "deep and meaningful, a different perspective. I will use this in my counseling." It is a privilege and delight to teach them life-changing truths.
The women are warming up to Edie and becoming more open. They tend to be a little reserved at first. They responded well to her teaching. She has especially connected well with Neena and Beth, the leader's wife.
One interesting thing happened as I taught the first day. A pastor sitting in front began strongly shaking his head side to side as if in strong disagreement. However as time went on I realized that was not the case. It turns out that if the Indians are really engaging with what is being said they tend to shake their head that way, just the opposite of what we do in our culture. We all had a good laugh together about that when I mentioned it to them.
Some of the couples in our group have recently experienced strong persecution, with some of them being actually beaten and threatened for their faith. It impressed me that they are acting so ordinary, laughing, singing, engaging in conversation. I realized that they are just like us, ordinary people who are experiencing a cost for their faith. Pray for them.
We are enjoying the Indian food which is a bit spicy. We have tried a lot of new dishes and quite a few new varieties of fruit. We did walk down to the local KFC last night for a little bit of America again and it was so good! We have been invited to one of the pastor's homes for supper tonight, which will be fun.
Thanks for praying,
The women are warming up to Edie and becoming more open. They tend to be a little reserved at first. They responded well to her teaching. She has especially connected well with Neena and Beth, the leader's wife.
One interesting thing happened as I taught the first day. A pastor sitting in front began strongly shaking his head side to side as if in strong disagreement. However as time went on I realized that was not the case. It turns out that if the Indians are really engaging with what is being said they tend to shake their head that way, just the opposite of what we do in our culture. We all had a good laugh together about that when I mentioned it to them.
Some of the couples in our group have recently experienced strong persecution, with some of them being actually beaten and threatened for their faith. It impressed me that they are acting so ordinary, laughing, singing, engaging in conversation. I realized that they are just like us, ordinary people who are experiencing a cost for their faith. Pray for them.
We are enjoying the Indian food which is a bit spicy. We have tried a lot of new dishes and quite a few new varieties of fruit. We did walk down to the local KFC last night for a little bit of America again and it was so good! We have been invited to one of the pastor's homes for supper tonight, which will be fun.
Thanks for praying,
Thank you so much for writing this blog. It is a reminder to pray - and to pray more specifically. My heart soars as I read what God is doing around the globe. I am convinced that your job is absolutely vital. I pray you see some great fruit - for we have a God who can do immeasurably beyond all we can ask or imagine. Let's ask a lot and see what He might do. Ponder anew what the Almighty can do, if with His love He befriends you!!!
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