Tuesday, October 12, 2010

First week in India

We are now in Bangalore and it is much cooler here, probably in the high 70's. It was up to 100 in Ahmadabad. We had a great time with Wilson and his wife there. Wilson and his son Nish and I had great discussions about our plan to train current and future pastors in their movement. We made a lot of progress but the issue is quite complicated. Training up to 20,000 pastors in the next 10 years is a logistical challenge. We still have some work to do to get the system worked out for training multiple levels of trainers to accomplish the task. You can pray with us for wisdom for all of that.

Here in Bangalore we have had a good time meeting with Charles and Beth who are the leaders of the Southern India EFC affiliate churches. We start our training this morning on biblical counseling and then this afternoon we speak on marriage. We look forward to a great week. Our hotel has internet so we will update regularly on the blog about what we are doing.


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