Monday, April 6, 2009

Experiencing India

It is quite amazing to be here to say the least. So many people and mostly appear to be living in squalor. It is hard to imagine so many people infirmed, begging and washing themselves on the street corners from an old fashioned pump. We are in Bengal, which is communist-ruled, but the conditions are awful. Still Christ has compassion and so should we. His church is growing too despite all the bondage from Hinduism. It seems like hopelessness is all around. We leave here to go to a poorer and darker part of India tomorrow. This is Calcutta, which is considered to have more upper caste people. We are far from where William Carey started it all. I really wished we could have visited his residence.

I purchased fabric to make a sari but don’t know if I can have it done tomorrow or not.

We were out sightseeing last night and were by the river. A pile of garbage that people and birds were going through then several groups of people came to release idols in the river. Some were covered with colored dust. It was a sight to actually see people doing this bizarre thing. A train went by, old just like the movies and what a ride that would be. Not luxurious by any stretch of the imagination.

We are headed to do house visits (pastoral). You can’t imagine what it is like to be doing so many things without schedules or routine. In other words, it is always new situations we are having to quickly adapt to as best we can.

Our accommodations are comfortable. It is twin beds, but we figured out how to heat the water heater so will have a warm shower in the morning though the bathroom we don’t cool and it is very hot. It is also very humid. I actually had swelled ankles for the first time. I am drinking lots of water. The city traffic is just outside our window and is quite noisy. It quieted down though later and didn’t really get going until 6 am. I hope we can find a way to send this. The Cafe is closed today so will try tomorrow .

Love and miss you all,


1 comment:

weatherlover said...

I can't imagine any of the things you are seeing! I pray God's strength and wisdom as you shine for Him in this dark place. Love you