Saturday, October 25, 2014

Saying Goodbye

Thursday:  Our time in Trichy will soon be over and we will be on to Thailand. The believers here are incredible and I especially enjoy the love and enthusiasm of the women here. Yesterday we finished our study of Philippians early. I had prayed that morning for God would show me what to do if this happened and He did. I asked the women to look back over the book and look for what Paul tells us about the Gospel. We made quite a list!

Then I asked them to make up a story about a woman who is coming to them for advice and prayer. We did that and then I asked two women to role-play and think about how we can apply the gospel to her situation. The tendency is to do a lot of talking as a "counselor" and so I encouraged them to ask questions instead. I also talked about getting together with the woman again after a week of prayer and thinking about what would be helpful. I encouraged them to think about studying the word with a woman, to instruct her in the way of Christ. We had a great discussion and they were enlightened it was clear to see. I am thankful that God chose to use me in this way. There was a lot of laughter as they did the role-playing making it a change of pace too. God is as good to us as we seek humbly to be used by him.

I am sad to say good-bye to the ladies here. However, I confess I am struggling to eat any more Indian food. The last two mornings I am dealing with the intestinal stuff from what I believe was some bad water I got by mistake. We travel tonight so hope and pray it is not a problem. Thank you for your faithful prayers. This study in Philippians was God breathed for sure and I know will impact me for as long as I live!

We have had two nights in the homes of the leaders of this group. We greatly appreciated their sweet hospitality and delicious cooking. May The Lord continue to give them the fruit of righteousness as a light in their community here. We count it a privilege to partner with them in the work of Christ. 


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