Tuesday, November 5, 2013

From India to Thailand

Friday, November 1: We are beginning our journey out of India and on to Thailand. How does one describe India; old and new, ancient and modern, ornate and shabby, dirty, unkempt, and congested, people and animals together everywhere, religious, traditional, changing but oh so slowly, distinctive, spicy food and colorful clothing. God in his infinite wisdom at the fullness of time is intruding into this country with truth, breaking the bonds of slavery and setting people free. By his grace he has brought us here and given us a dear family of believers to minister with and to. It is amazing all he can do by bringing together people of different nations and tongues to accomplish his purposes for India. We are in awe of the God we serve and the Spirit who makes us one.

We never quite know the plan until it happens. Currently our flight from Ahmadabad is postponed for awhile. We have tickets to fly to Bangkok from Mumbai early tomorrow morning. We will see.  Thank you for your prayers, we have "handled" the couple of free days well especially since Nish and Pinky have been excellent tour guides  for us. It has also been a blessing to have Steve and Eric with us as well. We are now looking forward to being with our missionary friends the Callahans, and getting to know the Lahu pastors better in Thailand.


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