Greetings from a wet budapest, Hungary.
It is so good to be here sitting with a bunch of men discussing the ins and outs of Church based training. I am here using the internet connection. I had planned to go back to the hotel but it is a challenge especially since he took us a short cut. Then we go to a cafeteria for lunch and I have to find that. Oh dear...
The last two days were a hardship but I am thankful it was not a trial. Yes, you can stand for 13hrs. with little sleep and still survive. I thought my feet would hurt for days but I guess IBP works well for me. People were friendly, and the airport did their best to have lots of people around to be helpful. It was very disorganized but other cultures are used to that. It is Americans and Germans that value timeliness and good methods of efficiency.
I was thankful that God provided us an elderly, Indian, pastor's wife to share her home with us. Her husband and her were from India and came to England to pastor a Methodist Church. She left her church (her husband is deceased) to help a struggling Baptist church in her area so it would not fall in the hands of muslims. The neighborhood she has lived in for 44years has become Pakistanie which adds even more intrigue in that she is partnering with her Pakistanie pastor to reach families in the area. You know the history.
I was praising the Lord that he provided in a way you know it was a God happening, a man to get our second cancelation rebooked on the next flight without having to get in a undefinable massive line. As it was we only had to wait 4hours to get our bagguge checked in. Then the security line went pretty fast, comparatively. We were able to get near our gate and find a bite to eat.
It was a God-send that as I was cleaning out the fridge and found some fried chicken leftover from the night before. I also had some cheese sticks. I frozen them over night and a blue ice. We went to Des Moines for church, lunch and then a friend took us to the airport. I put that and some fruit in a small insulated bag. (I left the blue ice in the car when we left) That was our lunch the day we were stuck in line (still cold). It was such a blessing for us and that we weren't taking food from others. They ran out of food as you can imagine.
Enough of that! He went before us and will go before you whether it is going to the grocery store, or across the ocean. We belong to Him and He cares for us. When we got ready to leave the lady we stayed with said she enjoyed having us and that it was nice to know God can still use her.
Take on the Day for Him, Edie
Just think mom, it will be so cool to have all your trips chronicled in your blog. It's kind of like writing a book! What a neat thing to see how God sustained you guys during that crazy time in London. We love you and are praying for you! Amy
It is a wonderful thing that we can follow along on this adventure with you! Thank you for taking the time to update. We will know better how to pray for you. Missing you, but excited for you!
Pam and family
Wow isn't technology amazing!! What a wonderful way for us to track what God is doing in and through you. Helps us to better pray for your immediate needs. I have been praying that God would supply what you need when you need it and from reading your blog He is doing just that. An encouraging word: Therefore, let us offer through Jesus a continual sacrifice of praise to God, proclaiming our allegiance to His name. And don’t forget to do good and to share with those in need. These are the sacrifices that please God.
Hebrews 13:15-16, NLT
May God continue to bless you and meet all your needs....Kathy
Hi Edith!
I love blogs so thank you for getting back to me about yours which I will follow joyfully! God bless, protect and take extra good care of you and Alan....Lisa
In case you ever wonder who weatherlover is, it's ME Judy Schmieder!!!! If I knew how to change that I would want to use my real name. OH well, I do love weather! It is so exciting to follow along with you on your new & exciting life in obedience to HIM. We are praying and trusting as HE provides for all your needs. We love you guys!
OH! Some how, I am not weatherlover anymore???? Computers that seem to think for themselves frustrate me and amaze me> Miss you both, but God has given us a wonderful interim.
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