Thursday, June 30, 2016

Sweaty Training

We’ve been in D for the week and it has been hot, hot, hot! And humid to boot. Temps in the middle 100’s but feels like 120-125. Wow! By the end of each day, we are zapped, as our training site has no air conditioning. But the training has gone about as well as can be expected. The guys are making the kind of progress we want. But there are challenges. The men have such a hard time following instructions for even the simplest things, steps that we do over and over, but still have to tell them how each time. It is not because they are not bright, (just the opposite!), but their culture does not prepare them for this. 

We are on our second workshop and few of them passed on the first one, mainly because they lack confidence. Passing the training on is a requirement, so we spent a lot of time working with them on plans of action over the next months because if they do not pass it on now they cannot return to the training. I think they get that now. 

One pastor, did not pass the training on, but did preach through the book of Jonah in his church. He has only learned about observation and context so far, but also that he is to stick with what the text actually says. He said he had never preached on judgment in his church before but had to in Jonah (since that is what the text says). A group in his church had been trying to force “lower” people out of the church. As a result of his preaching on Jonah they repented, something he said he had never seen before in his church. He was amazed. Another family threw all their household gods out also. And we wonder why we do this training…

The men have been somewhat reluctant to open up fearing that they would give the wrong answer. We finally had a good heart-to-heart talk with them. We talked about learning together and that God is not demanding perfection, just progress. The men seemed to relax after that and the discussions became better. I think that they have really gotten the idea of preaching the text and are eager to do so. The multiplication issue is still a challenge for them so we are praying that they will follow through.

Edie has had a challenge with the ladies, who are less educated than the men are. Her first translator tried to teach rather than translate, then a good godly man stepped in and took over but he at times disagreed with the teaching. Edie is so patient yet she wondered if the women were really learning that much. She did simple observation exercises and worked through Jonah with them asking them what they thought the main points were. Today the leader’s wife told her that in 20 years of having teachers come, they had never learned as much as they had from Edie. She was shocked but once again amazed that the Lord has granted her the opportunity to do this, sweat and all. 

Yesterday I had the privilege of going to a different site and helping do a pre-conference for another group led by our friend Daniel. Edie and Steve continued to sweat away while I was in air conditioning all day. Edie said I owed her big time. But it really doesn’t matter because, like the federal government, my debt level with her is unrepayable. Thankfully, she is a good and gracious wife to put up with me.

Tomorrow we head south to T where we trained previously for 4 years. We look forward to seeing our friends and catching them up with the revisions in our material. Then we travel to Sri Lanka with Seth, one of our trainers, to do the II Timothy workshop there.  

Please pray for our stamina and attitudes that we will remain focused on God and not our environment. It looks like we will drop to under a 100 in T and Sri Lanka but there will be much less humidity, so it will feel 20 some degrees cooler. Praise the Lord!


Saturday, June 25, 2016

Good Connections

Whew! I finally get a few hours off this morning so I can catch up on writing. The Global Proclamation conference in Bangkok was a blessing. It was very demanding time-wise and I was really bushed by the end of the day each long day (14-16 hours every day). I had a chance meeting with a group from the N country in S. Asia, (I am not being cute in my descriptions, many of these countries are now searching emails, etc. for key words and may deny visas for brethren so I am being careful with my words). My late supervisor who passed away last year mentored two men in this group. We had a great discussion and I think we will expand our training there to include this new group. I flew out to the I country on Thursday and arrived in a large eastern city, K, which I visited briefly 7 years ago. On the way, about 12 or so G Pro conference attendees were on the plane. I had some interesting conversations in the airport and on the plane. Several were so helpful in assisting me through check in and immigration, etc. Really sweet brothers I will probably never see again. 

I’m in K now. I had a meeting with key leaders last night, it was over 100 F but the internet said it felt like 120. Thankfully, we had air conditioning so the room was about 85 or so. The meeting went really well. I think there is good probability that we will train here soon. We will need to build another team to do that and are already working on that in Iowa. 

As I said, I get the morning off today. I will check out of the hotel, a rather spartan one this time, but with air-conditioning, praise the Master, and visit some ministry sites before catching a flight to the capital around 5 pm. In D, I will be rejoined with Edie who arrived there last night. I am really looking forward to that. We are so blessed to love each other and love being with each other all the time so 12 days apart is a long time. 

We will train for a week in D and then go south to our old training site at T to refresh and encourage the team there. A partner is also starting a new network in D so I will slip over to help him one day when we are there. After T, we go to Sri Lanka for a week for training and survey of new possibilities, so we have "miles to go before we sleep”. Thanks for your prayers for stamina and effectiveness.


Tuesday, June 21, 2016

Bangkok Encounters

Sunday, June 19:  I’ve been in a large conference for pastoral trainers in Bangkok for the past 3 days. It has been nonstop morning to night and I have not had the energy to write anything until today. What a blessing to be here with 3,000 or so men and women from over 100 different countries. It has been amazing to worship with believers and workers from so many different cultures. It has been a foretaste of heaven when people from every tongue and nation will give praise to Jesus.

I have had brief encounters with many people from dozens of different countries and many extended conversations as well. I have been praying that I would meet and connect with the people that God sovereignly designs for me to meet. At times, it has been amazing, like when I sat with two men, one of which lives 10 miles from me in Colorado and does pastoral training. His colleague went to college with a man from my home church from whom I rented an apartment when I went to college. All these encounters while I am here on the other side of the world with 3000 others in the room. Another man I met in line for lunch lives 60 miles from where I lived in Iowa and said, “I came here to learn about pastoral training, I would like to get involved.” I invited him to sit with us to eat and he is interested in joining our training in Iowa in August. I could mention many other such encounters. I have also met several people I knew who I did not know would be here. It was a joy to reconnect with leaders from LRI, the organization that helped us get our start in training, and discuss with them common challenges and our efforts to improve. 

One man I have seen every day is from a large country in S. Asia that is often in the news and is not one that I would have thought we would ever visit. He leads a seminary there and is very interested in seeing how to use our training in the school and to reach out to students who cannot attend. We may end up visiting this country, which is perhaps a bit more dicey as far as security than any we have visited before. 

I will leave on Thursday for our usual visit to a S. Asia country where I will survey on new city for future training, and conduct a training in the capital. There Edie will join me, and then we will travel south to where we trained before to encourage the brothers and sisters there. One of the men there is training in many different places and he will join us for training in northern Sri Lanka. I have had “chance” encounters with several from that country who are interested in helping us connect with new pastors in the South. We are still working on our schedule although I now know I will be preaching in a Baptist church there on Sunday and a meeting with pastors on Saturday. I am not sure what Monday will bring, hopefully we will connect with the large seminary in the capital.  

I am making progress with jet lag and thank you all who remember to pray for Edie and me as we travel.
