Thursday, June 26, 2014

From India to Thailand

We finished the training in N. India today and were very pleased with the students' responses. We had an especially large group this time because the organization invited a number of their state and regional leaders. They wanted these leaders to attend so that they would be exposed to the topic we were covering. It is a difficult topic to cover in one week; the subject of the redemptive story of the Bible. We changed our tactics from S. India and did more teaching up front before asking the students to present sermons. We did a lot of group exercises as well and I think the students picked up the content better. Many of the sermons were quite good. They have made such progress over the past two years.  

We have the day off tomorrow and leave late in the evening for Thailand, flying all night and arriving around 11 am. We hope we can get a little sleep on the plane and not arrive completely exhausted. We have Saturday and Sunday to rest before beginning the training on Monday morning. We are looking forward to the slower pace and the cooler temperatures. We expect it to be in the 80’s with lots of rain instead of the 100’s and windy and dry as it has been here. 

Thank you for your continued prayers,


Tuesday, June 24, 2014

God of the Impossible

#1 A Miracle Day
Yesterday I woke up at 5am and spent lot of time in the bathroom for the next 2 1/2 hrs due to this virus/bug that I picked up. I spent time with the Lord and managed to get ready to have my first day of teaching. My condition didn't return of which I was so thankful! The teaching went well and instead of 5 women I had 13! Translation also went smoothly. 

I was concerned about having the right number of bags for knitting and I had exactly the right amount thanks to someone who stuck in a ready made bag. It was a hot day and at 3:30 when I started to teach knitting, I wondered how will I do this with so many ladies. Amazingly, God provided a lady who already knew how to knit. I was really rejoicing over that. I was truly thankful for the day and that God had showed up.

#2 Impossible Day
I woke up later than usual. My mind agreed with my body, "I can't do this." But my stomach said that I needed to get something to eat. So we got up and got ready. I said to the Lord that I really can't do this but what choice do I have? OK, I am dressed, I will eat and go. 

How is it that when you should be laying down, you are sitting in a chair leading a study in Philippians? And when you feel light-headed and weak, you stand to guide the process of understanding what Paul has written. Your mind even drifts a couple times but you are pulled back, hopefully not missing something important. I don't know how this happened, except to say it is outside of me. By faith I believe the Lord showed me he really is a God who does the impossible in us. First in granting us salvation through his son, and now as we fight the good fight against our foe. To say I am in awe is an understatement. I am just so very thankful to be his child.


Sunday, June 22, 2014

A Miracle Day

Today was a good day. Edie has been quite sick and had stayed home yesterday but was determined to go and meet with her ladies today, in spite of the fact that she woke up with diarrhea this morning. A little Imodium and she was off with us. I was worried about her standing up under the heat. Today it was 106 but felt like 111. Inside it had to be in the 90’s. She did great, made it through the whole day, and is actually feeling much better this evening. It was a miracle day. She had a great time with the ladies to boot.  

Our time with the men also went well and I think they are catching on. Tomorrow they start preaching and we will see how much they can actually apply the teaching by how they handle the texts in preaching. I am looking forward to it and I think they are as well.  


Saturday, June 21, 2014

Our Training Group, India, June 2014

Aha Moments and Illness

It was another day of gaining rich insights into the book of Philippians. If only women in America would consider blocking out at least a couple full days of just focusing on a book of the bible. You could then understand the dynamics that happens as the Holy Spirit opens eyes to see the truth of his word! Yesterday morning I considered some of things we discussed in application of Paul's emphatic message to be of one mind and spirit. I wrote down Luke 6:46-48. John 1:1-2, Matt 5:14-16.  The women here are rich in good deeds even to the point of exhaustion and they only get scolded. I worked through the lighthouse picture (God is our rock, his word is our foundation, the structure of our lives are principles and beliefs, and finally we are to be a shining light so that people see our good works and glorify the Father). We then worked through a real example affecting our group. God really used that picture to help them see differently. It has been a hard hitting week of culture clashing with scripture and it was nice to end the time with more of an aha moment and then a "how can I...?"

I am under the weather and feeling ill. I am thankful I have experience with God showing up when this servant is weak. It will help to know that as I sit here feeling like crawling back in bed. We finish with lunch today and then head to the airport. I pray my stomach behaves. I took our miracle drug last night but still feel queasy this morning. My God is always so loving to me in every situation. We will see what he will do today. I would appreciate your prayers.

Together in one mind and Spirit according to his grace, 


Thursday, June 19, 2014

Jet Lag, Spritual Warfare and the Grace of God

This trip has been unusually trying as far as jet lag goes. I have had more trouble with being tired during the day and am not sleeping well at night. It is hot, but not unbearably so if you are indoors with fans going full blast. It is hard to keep your bible open to the right page with all the wind. The men are struggling a bit with the subject matter, the redemptive story of the bible. This is the idea that the bible is one big story that gradually builds up to the gospel, demonstrated in the death and resurrection of Jesus. 

It is very hard to preach or teach the Old Testament well if you do not understand the redemptive story, and how the passage you are working through fits in with that story. Much like it is difficult to understand a passage correctly without considering the context; it is equally difficult to understand the proper teaching and purpose of any passage, especially the Old Testament passages, without understanding the redemptive story context. This is our first attempt to teach this in our workshops, and the weaknesses of our training materials is quite apparent. We will have to do many revisions for it to be more useful and effective in the future. We are not discouraged by that. We simply have a lot to learn about how to teach this concept in a way that is easily understood and applied, but can also then be passed on in training to others.

It is such a delight to have Brad with me to help with this training. He has been a friend since seminary 30 years ago, and is such a fine godly and biblically- centered man. I am so glad he is on our training team. Brad is an encouraging man and totally sold out to the ministry of training others to study the bible well. It is his first time to India and he is doing great. His insights and encouragement to the students are wonderful.  

I have been experiencing some spiritual warfare on this trip, more than usual I think. Spiritual attack always comes in unexpected ways, and is designed to distract or lead us into despair. This time it has come in the form of internal accusations about my failings as a father and husband in the past. But thanks be to God because it has really served to drive me to the Lord and to celebrate His grace in my life. Edie has been a great help to me in this so that the enemy’s designs have been largely defeated. By His grace, on we go.
