Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Final report from India

I apologize for not keeping up the reports for the blog. Between internet problems and a very hectic schedule, I have been unable to write. The conference went well in Ahmadabad after the team finally arrived. Everyone’s teaching was well received and at the end several pastors and women were asked to give testimony about what they had learned and how the conference had affected them. Each one mentioned several specific things they had learned from the various teachers, which showed how well they had paid attention. Several mentioned my teaching on marriage and one leader even said he had been struggling in his marriage and asked the whole congregation for prayer that he might implement what he had learned. It is very unusual for any of them to mention such private things and to do so in such an emotional way. I have committed to pray for him and his wife.

I had some good meetings with the leaders of the ministry here about the training network we are creating. They are all beginning to understand the concept and are getting excited about the project. Over the next several months they will be prayerfully choosing the initial master trainers that we will train to start the program. Pray for them that they will choose the best candidates for this position. Much work needs to be accomplished on their end and mine but we hope to get started with the training before the end of the year.

We concluded the conference with a time of simple carnival games for the slum kids who had been coming for the children’s program. They loaded about 130 kids in the back of a truck and brought them each day. The kids were super well behaved, a real testimony to the work that has been accomplished in their lives. Their changed lives is what is leading many of their parents to Christ. It was fun to see them so joyful with each little game we created for them.

We got up about 4:30 on Sunday morning and travelled all day to Goa, a more tropical area on the West coast of India. We were all quite tired by the time we got here. It is very warm and beautiful here and a good place to refresh and debrief from the conference. I have enjoyed getting to know the other team members during this time.

Tomorrow we get up at 3:30 to go to the airport for the trip back. I have a 12 hour layover in Delhi, an 8 hour layover in Amsterdam and a 3 hour layover in Minneapolis. Altogether I think it will be about 52 hours before I am home in Fort Dodge. Pray for my stamina and patience.


Editors note: My Dad will be arriving home sometime on Thursday evening, the 13th.

Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Pictures from India

The pictures are: The slum houses, the pastor and family serving there, and a typical India intersection experience.

An Interesting Day

Today was an interesting day as we traveled across the city to a slum area where the ministry here, Logos Holistic Ministries, is doing some work. They just built a ministry center and we helped dedicate it. The building is quite small, I think they said 15 by 30. The pastor working there will live in this building as well as use it for ministry to the community. Actually it is bigger than the allotted 10 by 12 homes the government has built for the poor residents. The immediate area houses 20,000 people and the nearby area another 30,000. The pastor started this ministry about 5 years ago and was visiting once or twice a week. They felt that the Lord was telling them to move to the location so that they could better identify with the community. They lived in one of the small houses for three years and have seen real growth in the effort to reach these people. The people were at first very resistant to having them there but they have won them with their love and persistence. They now work with 2,000 children, and as the kids come to understand the message they go home and share with their families. This is just another example of the good work God is doing in India.

Tomorrow the training starts and the team from Valley will be a day late because their flight from Chicago was cancelled. So I might be doing a lot more teaching tomorrow than I expected. But this type of thing often happens and the Lord always helps us through. My internet access is sketchy but I will try to give updates as I can. Thanks for praying for me.


A New Year in India

I arrived here in Ahmadabad, India around 10 in the morning on Sunday. I left early Friday morning from Ft. Dodge and somehow I feel I lost a day in there somewhere. Actually it is 11 ½ hours different, so I lost only ½ day. The trip is always grueling and this one was no different. But I am glad to be here and greatly enjoyed seeing Wilson and Nish’s bright smiles as they greeted me at the airport. I spent about 7 hours overnight in the Delhi airport and it was very cold, around 45 degrees; they do not heat the place. I had not expected that and had some trouble staying warm. Actually it is supposed to be in the 70’s with lows around 50 all week which is a bit cooler than I had expected. I hope I stay warm enough in the summer clothes I brought.

This week I am teaching on taking heed to your doctrine, from I Tim 4. I am reminded of the need to set our minds on the truth and to always be checking what we believe against the Word of God. It is so easy to casually drift in subtle ways away from the truth ,and when we do we always do so to our peril. I am so thankful for the Word and its constant correction in our lives. Pray for me to clearly teach these dear men from that very Word.
